Author: Terry Sherwood

Terry Sherwood Born in Ottawa Ontario,  Canada; Terry is a "Monster kid ', film fan and popular culture person. Once worked in television as a commercial writer/ Director. Writer of the SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET  site covering aspects of the Horror Genre from Books, Comics, to Film old and new. He has previously written for WE BELONG DEAD and  MONSTERMANIA magazines, The Spooky Isle UK website, Horror hound and  Turner Classic Movies. Published Book  of own writings titled SCREEN AND SCREEN AGAIN:  ESSAYS ON THE HORROR FILM on amazon world wide plus contributed to other genre  books. Chaired numerous convention panel discussions on Horror and Comics Terry is member of  The Horror Writers Association and Dracula Society in U.K.

TERROR AT RED WOLF INN ** USA 1972 Dir: Bud Townsend. 90 mins Some folk rave about 70’s and 80’s horror films. Some today want to bring back that look, the naïve feeling, the simple look of those productions. All well and good even when there were those video nasties to push the ideas to an extreme. Terror At Red Wolf Inn was produced by Michael Macready who would also give us the superior two Count Yorga films and directed by Bud Townsend. The film opens with a rather ridiculous wholesome Seventies love ballad that turns out to be a…

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ANOTHER DAY TO LIVE THROUGH *** UK 2023 Dir: Peter Simmons. 81 mins Nordic Noir is huge in fiction and in film with the original and remake of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The icy landscape, the bleak buildings, the shadowy people with a lot going on behind the eyeballs that sometimes stay in their sockets. Not set in snow and ice Another Day To Live Through (2023) preaches a closed world of dysfunctional people with a lot going on who are trapped in a nightmarish isolation. The film opens with a naked bloodied woman Satu (Lene Kqiku) slowly…

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FINAL SUMMER * USA 2023 Dir: John Isberg. 82 mins Oddly when watching the opening minutes of Final Summer (2023) I thought I was viewing just about every camp slasher film made with the scary story campfire sequence. Is this a homage to those eighties horror films which frankly are becoming clichés? Let’s redo what influenced us because we can’t think of anything else and it’s safe. Everything is here that many have seen before which for me could serve as an intro to those that have never seen a slasher film. The film plays much like a lot of…

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NATATORIUM *** Iceland / Finland 2024 Dir: Helena Stefansdottir. 105 mins Writer/director Helena Stefansdottir’s Icelandic thriller and not a horror film Natatorium is the type of atmosphere where you just know that something is odd about the film world. People move about in the film in a direct almost ballet-type movement without unnecessary actions. There is something dark happening and you can’t sort it out, so you look and listen for clues. Young Lilja (Ilmur María Arnarsdóttir) dreams of being in a travelling performance group so she comes to stay at the home of her grandmother Áróra (Elin Petersdottir) and…

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THE PARKER SESSIONS *** USA 2021 Dir: Stephen Simmons. 72 mins Black and white in a script can be fascinating and easy to grasp. When it is put to film today one sits up and takes notice if the cinematography is worth the look. The Parker Sessions (2021) is a starkly directed, acted picture of mental illness, trauma, murder and yes therapy that involves retribution. The Parker Sessions (2021), written and directed by Stephen Simmons, takes therapy and adds an element of headlines regarding therapists and those in a position of trust that take advantage. The story is told in…

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