TIME ADDICTS ** Australia 2023 Dir: Sam Odlum. 92 mins Desperation, drugs and time travel paradoxes in the house force Denise and Johnny to battle the past the future and themselves in Sam Odlum’s Time Addicts. Dialogue and scene-chewing screechy voices abound in this Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? (1966)…

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BayView Entertainment, LLC have released the supernatural horror Trinitas on Digital Platforms including to rent/buy on Amazon Prime Video worldwide. Starring award-winning actresses Nicky Lowney and Kimberley Fogelgren. Trinitas is from Writer / Director Douglas Guarino and the film stars Andy S. Allen, Saoirse Tiernan, Nicky Lowney and Kimberley Fogelgren. Synopsis:…

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BayView Entertainment, LLC have released the Documentary The Bigfoot Experience 2: Truth Seekers and Real Encounters on Digital Platforms including to rent/buy on Amazon Prime Video worldwide. Bigfoot movies continue to top the watch lists of all platforms! The Bigfoot Experience 2: Truth Seekers and Real Encounters is from Writer…

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