THE PARKER SESSIONS *** USA 2021 Dir: Stephen Simmons. 72 mins Black and white in a script can be fascinating and easy to grasp. When it is put to film today one sits up and takes notice if the cinematography is worth the look. The Parker Sessions (2021) is a starkly directed, acted picture of mental illness, trauma, murder and yes therapy that involves retribution. The Parker Sessions (2021), written and directed by Stephen Simmons, takes therapy and adds an element of headlines regarding therapists and those in a position of trust that take advantage. The story is told in…
Author: Terry Sherwood
THE EXORCIST: UNTOLD **** UK 2023 Dir: Robin Bextor. 80 mins I have an original one-sheet theatrical poster of The Exorcist complete with the North America ‘Admittance Restricted’ viewing sticker framed under glass in one room. It is the only poster I have framed so the film is quite significant for me and perhaps others. It’s odd writing something about a film that is one of your all-time favourites for much the same reasons as presented in this documentary. I have long thought for years that The Exorcist (1973) is not a horror film specifically even if it is steeped…
UNKNOWN WORLD *** USA 1951 Dir: Terry O. Morse. 74 mins The naivety of Science fiction films of the fifties does not fail to bring about a feeling similar to having a visit from an old friend. Nowadays some friends even if they know each other lose the ability to talk face to face, staring and suddenly realizing that they may have grown apart. Unknown World (1951) is another example of the well-intentioned hokum, the silly dialogue delivered with conviction and the special effects all spell a good ‘turn off the brain’ moment. In this case warnings and stock footage…
THE LODGE **** UK / USA 2019 Dirs: Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala. 108 mins The family unit has been moved around, changed, and perverted into violence by natural or supernatural means in genre films since the film was in kinescopes. The evil stepfather and in this case, the stepmother who inherits a family get an intelligence boost in the wintery dark thriller The Lodge (2019). Hammer Films and Film Nation combine for the rather bleak story reminiscent of The Lighthouse (2019) which could be a companion. Bleakness but in a good brooding way like good ghost stories should be.…
EASTER BLOODY EASTER *** USA 2024 Dir: Diane Foster. 104 mins ‘The beast rises within as you shuffle towards the counter. Your tortured orbs seek those happy, glistening nodules of chocolate pleasure you know you put them wrapped up in foil paper. You can’t resist the hunger, ripping open the wrapping, handful of fun is pushed down your throat. You have found relief in a moment’s respite until the awful unholy drive grips you again in the afternoon sun.’ Not an ‘Easter Egg’ moment from Diane Foster’s Easter Bloody Easter (2024) film but a moment of confection addiction that some…