THRESHOLD *** USA 2020 Dirs.: Powell Robinson, Patrick Robert Young. 78 mins The genre of ‘quiet Horror’ is showing up more in film these days. Quiet Horror, being a ‘slow burn’ style of film making that hopefully builds to a payoff. Good film makers can use it to create atmosphere and work character while the poor ones like M. Night Shyamalan just lie to you for no reason. The writing and directing team of Powel Robinson and Robert Patrick Young have fashioned a taunt thriller of a film called THRESHOLD (2020). It offers some strong characters in a story that…
Author: Terry Sherwood
ON THE TRAIL OF BIGFOOT: THE JOURNEY *** USA 2021 Dir: Seth Breedlove. 95 mins Monster or strange phenomena documentaries have changed since the days of Peter Graves and THE MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS (1975) or the most celebrated CHARIOTS OF THE GODS (1968) by Erich von Däniken. Bigfoot was even a star fifty years ago with the grainy 16 mm footage shot by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimli of a giant hairy creature walking away from a camera. ON THE TRAIL OF BIGFOOT (2021) is a new, serious documentary film maker by Seth Breedlove and his crew as they head to…
DAYTIME NIGHTMARE * UK 2020 Dir: Katrina Grey. 85 mins In this rather insane world we now have, the nightmare can be real for many. Some retreat into a fantasy world or believe in theories for comfort because the real world cannot possibly be so bleak. The debut independent film by writer, director and star Katrina Grey called DAYTIME NIGHTMARE offers a personal vision of one person’s descent. The decent is gradual and in this case ends with a thud. Well, more of a whimper. The story is a simple one. Lucy (Katrina Grey) is a teacher who begins a…
ROAD HEAD ** USA 2020 Dir: David Del Rio. 84 mins Comedy is difficult to write well , often it’s a matter of hit and miss. This one is a miss for me, perhaps not for the twenties somethings or people that pattern their lives after the “white bread’ television series “Friends.” You can tell a director or writer’s personality from what they put on the page or screen. Well, in ROAD HEAD (2020) you learn that director David Del Rio and writer Justin Xavier Smith enjoy oral sex while driving. The film’s title is a reference to the activity…
REUNION *** New Zealand 2020 Dir: Jake Mahaffy. 95 mins The Horror of real life is often as heinous as that conjured up by any vampire, spree killer, rampaging zombie or ghost. Jake Mahaffy’s 2020 film REUNION offers the viewer a world of grief, mental illness, secrets and the horror of old age. The theme of child rearing is strong as it plays on vulnerabilities, and an intense desire to protect your child. As if that were not enough, a spectre, albeit a benign one, of a murdered adopted sister is added to the bleak mix. The picture opens with…