FAMILY SPLATTERS is a new adult horror-comedy series from Nick Damage and KultKult Entertainment. The production runs a little under ten minutes and there is little of it wasted. The series introduces Joe Fryers, Matthew Silverstein and Roddy Luger, famous movie slashers who are kicked out of Hell in 1993 to live in today’s world. Lugar is now a food delivery person who meets Fryers when he is dropping off chicken wings at Fryer’s mansion. Fryers is a big in real estate while continuing to kill people. The two renew a friendship, and this leads to Lugar to revealing that…
Author: Terry Sherwood
FAR FROM THE APPLE TREE *** 2019 Dir: Grant McPhee. 90 mins Losing one’s self to a thing, entity, or a person or by medical means has been a staple of the Horror genre for centuries. Losing one’s mind and individuality have been added to the mix of digital paranoid thinking. FAR FROM THE APPLE TREE (2019) is film of loss through the gradual disintegration of mind. It is built on visual media, and that is a distraction to the film’s evolution – almost to the point of “eating its own tail ‘to get to the conclusion. Far From the…
SACRILEGE *** UK 2020 Dir: David Creed. 83 mins Time and time again you encounter a concept in a film or book that ends up overshadowing substance. The concept is lost in a flurry of plotted red herrings or a ridiculous twist ending. David Creed’s 2020 picture SACRILEGE is neither of those. In fact it one of the tightest, most visually modern Gothic looking films that I have seen from independent cinema. Works produced by independent film varies with budget and scope. Not all are created equal. SACRILEGE has what many films of this nature do not: good lead actors. …
SACRIFICE *** Canada 2020 Dir: Andy Collier, Toor Mian. 87 mins Nordic Noir is a popular sub-genre of crime fiction. Most people know it from the Stieg Larson books and the film adaptions of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Nordic mythology has been a source for folk tales crafted into horror films such as The Ritual (2017). Joining or attempting to become part of this is Andy Collier and Tor Mian’s 2020 release SACRIFICE. The film boasts the presence of Barbara Crampton in a minor role and a host of new performers with some lovely location photography of a…
NECROPATH ** USA 2018 Dir: Joshua Reale. 94 mins What happens to the insane when the world goes insane? Intriguing premise for a film when “normal” has changed. The idea is strong for one film, not three. This is what Director/Writer Joshua Reale has done with NECROPATH (2018). Reale has decided to put three stories set in the same world, with some continuing characters in one film, made in 2018 and released in 2021. The picture is like a one note theme ride. In fact, that is Joshua Reale’s background as he is the creator of a haunted house style…