CLIMATE OF THE HUNTER *** USA 2019 Dir: Mickey Reece. 82 mins The Vampire in film has changed from the Gothic into the killing machine, partying teenager, and now, mysterious adults bent on befuddling their friends. Returning to destroy the one that loves you is a recurrent theme in all vampire literature and film. Mickey Reece’s CLIMATE OF THE HUNTER (2019) takes that motif a step further with his splendid, talky homage to the Undead “Big Chill.” Two sisters, Alma (Ginger Gilmartin) and Elizabeth (Mary Buss), along with their dog that they call a “philosopher,’ have come to a remote…
Author: Terry Sherwood
BLACKSTOCK BONEYARD ** USA 2021 Dir: Andre Alfa. 80 mins Southern Noir has been a genre unto itself; along, perhaps, with Southern Horror. Those goings on in the swamps, plantations, roads, hidden cabins and police jails transplant urban fears to a section of the country. BLACKSTOCK BONEYARD (2021) is an odd film for me since it mixes social messages with standard rising dead killings. The story is not the creatures but the people that are caught in the events. The film chooses to make them clichés of Southern people with little in the way of interesting virtues. BLACKSTOCK BONEYARD (2021)…
TWENTY TWENTY ** USA 2019 Dir: Dave Sweeney. 31 mins Experimental film can be interesting viewing in any genre. Film Noir had the Robert Montgomery Directed film LADY IN THE LAKE (1946), shot mostly in the p.o.v of detective Philip Marlowe. Curtis Harrington bent us with the odd love story NIGHT TIDE (1961) with a young Dennis Hopper. The work of Kenneth Anger with his sharp colors sharp, pristine images with occult and homoerotic symbolism. These films took form, narrative and editing to layer images into a story. In viewing the short film TWENTY TWENTY (2019) one can see influence…
HEAVY TRIP **** Finland 2018 Dirs: Juuso Laatio/ Jukka Vidgren. 92 mins Metal music is one of the few styles sufficiently secure in itself to let itself be made fun of. The mainstream example is Rob Reiner’s THIS IS SPINAL TAP (1984). The Finnish made HEAVY TRIP or HEVI REISSU (2018) is a knock about romp on to the world of the small town music scene that doesn’t disappoint. The film is part road movie and part love story that connects well because the characters are genuinely, awkwardly human. Along the way you have a Viking attack with full swords,…
Lists like this – no matter the subject – always seem to leave something out. How do you pick the “best” of someone who has a body of work like Peter Cushing and be fair to him? Viewing the works from North America, I was only accessing versions of films whose titles may be different; or not have seen them at all in spite of DVD releases and streaming media. Distinctly British pictures like Captain Clegg (1962) or Night Creatures would have their significance lost on the audience through limited release. I also confined the choices to film work, leaving…