Adrian Esposito’s new film Special Needs Revolt! staring Lloyd Kaufman (Troma Entertainment), Lynn Lowry (The Crazies, Shivers, Cat People) and Eric Fox (SyFy channel’s Face-Off) launches crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo.
Special Needs Revolt! Is an action-comedy film. The film’s hero, Billy Bates, who will be played by Clowns in the Woods actor Nolan Tierce, is a young man with Down syndrome. Billy wakes up from a two-year coma and discovers that the United States has been turned into a brutal dictatorship thanks to President Kruger, to be played by award-winning veteran actor Bill Weeden (Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.). Kruger has put all people with disabilities into institutions. Billy becomes the leader of a diverse group of resistance fighters committed to ending Kruger’s reign of terror.
Indiegogo Campaign: