Born of humanity’s darkness, driven by lupine hunger – and all the more monstrous for it
The horrific tale continues. In the wake of the all-new revised and extended edition of Nick Stead’s debut novel, Hybrid, book two comes roaring onto bookshelves. Hunted has been given the same treatment as the first in the series, and now, August 2020, Twisted Fate Publishing is about to set this new brute loose.
Twisted Fate Publishing, a new, independent UK publisher, is delighted to announce the publication of the revised and extended edition of Hunted from Huddersfield author, Nick Stead.
This series is not for the faint hearted. Stead went down the Darren Shan route of naming the character after himself, and it tells the tale of his murderous alter-ego, beginning with the night he was bitten and turned into a werewolf at the tender age of fifteen. From that moment on, he is gripped by bestial instincts and uncontrollable rage. And it’s not just at full moon. His inner wolf seeks to gain control whenever there’s easy prey to be had, or a fight with a rival. Strong emotions call it forth and Nick must learn to keep them in check if he wishes to keep from hurting the ones he loves.
But his carnivorous urges are not the only thing he must battle. A war rages in the shadows, and for the undead, time is running out.
The re-release of Hunted is a much more polished version of the manuscript, which has been given hundreds of hours of editing time to lift the quality of the prose to more in line with what Stead produces now, four years after the original first edition. Many passages have been tightened, while others have been completely rewritten and fleshed out where necessary, to provide a much more enjoyable read of the story so many have come to know and love in the years since the series was first published.

“The original version of Hunted was already better quality than the first edition of Hybrid, but there was still plenty of work to give it a more polished feel and strengthen some of the weaker passages. This second instalment is even darker and more brutal than the first in the series, and it’s been a big hit with werewolf horror fans so far. I think readers are going to enjoy it even more for the hard work I’ve put in on these re-releases.” – Nick Stead, author of the Hybrid series.
Hunted will be available on Amazon for both Kindle and Kindle Unlimited from Sat 29th August 2020, as well as in paperback format. Or you can pre-order the Kindle edition here –
Hybrid is out now –
More information about the Hybrid series, the author, and his other works, can be found at