1984 is a British dystopian science fiction film written and directed by Michael Radford and based upon George Orwell’s novel of the same name. Starring Richard Burton in his final screen appearance, John Hurt (ALIEN) and Suzanna Hamilton. Relive the dystopian sci-fi drama 1984 with this HMV exclusive Premium Collection…
Browsing: Sci-Fi
ASTRO ** USA 2018 Dir: Asif Akbar 105 mins This Sci Fi/Action movie’s story revolves around an ex-soldier, Alexander Biggs (Marshal Hilton) who’s good fortune has seen him become a billionaire and created his own space exploration operation. His latest expedition returned with an extra terrestrial test subject. With his motive…
THE MATRIX meets Mr Robot in the most captivating and topical science fiction film of the year. From visionary new director Royce Gorsuch comes a film that captures the voice of the ultra-connected generation, MAD GENIUS. Featuring a superlative cast, including Spencer Locke (INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY) and Farin Tahir (IRON…
ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH TO ENTER THE BUNKER? Making its UK DVD debut courtesy of Second Sight Films this August is the critically acclaimed, terrifying new psychological thriller IT LIVES (a.k.a. Twenty Twenty-Four). A scientist tasked with maintaining the subterranean centre known as Plethura (an isolated nuclear bunker) in readiness…
CARTEL 2045 (a.k.a. Juarez 2045) ** USA 2017 Dir: Chris Le 90 mins As a small child I often wondered, as many of you probably did too, what things would be like in the future. Would it be like BLADERUNNER with the highly advanced technology and cool flying vehicles or…