Author: Terry Sherwood

Terry Sherwood Born in Ottawa Ontario,  Canada; Terry is a "Monster kid ', film fan and popular culture person. Once worked in television as a commercial writer/ Director. Writer of the SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET  site covering aspects of the Horror Genre from Books, Comics, to Film old and new. He has previously written for WE BELONG DEAD and  MONSTERMANIA magazines, The Spooky Isle UK website, Horror hound and  Turner Classic Movies. Published Book  of own writings titled SCREEN AND SCREEN AGAIN:  ESSAYS ON THE HORROR FILM on amazon world wide plus contributed to other genre  books. Chaired numerous convention panel discussions on Horror and Comics Terry is member of  The Horror Writers Association and Dracula Society in U.K.

BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER *** UK 2021 Dir: Thomas Hamilton. 99 mins Boris Karloff as a “Horror Icon’ that gets remembered for being the Grinch or Frankenstein is already well in society’s lexicon. The life of Hollywood stars is often filled with myth, legend, and hearsay often invented by studios propagated by fans, or to cover up real problems. Problems are often deemed undesirable from the studio’s point of view or the times. This year Voltage Films produced a documentary attempt to put the life of Boris Karloff into a film form for all to see. This…

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THE UNWELCOME *** UK 2010 Dir: Keith R. Robinson. 81 mins I am not a fan of the ‘found footage’ genre or many of the Paranormal investigative films that spring up usually when one gets the notion to make a repeat of the success of the original The Blair Witch Project (1999). However, that doesn’t mean one cannot enjoy THE UNWELCOME (2010) for what it is that being a well-acted, well-directed film shot on the budget of train fare. Advances in technology such as better, more compact cameras, better lighting, less expensive ways to edit, and post-production will never compensate…

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REPRESSION (a.k.a. Marionette) *** Netherlands / Luxembourg / UK 2020 Dir: Elbert van Strien. 112 mins Start with generous portions of raw “Evil children controlling the adults as Billy Mumy did in THE TWILIGHT ZONE episode IT’S A GOOD LIFE.  Then you add a dash of FIGHT CLUB (1999), a sprinkle of outdoor Gothic Thriller of your choice with rain, and lovely villages, simmer for 112 minutes over a slow heat, attempt to bring to boil and you get REPRESSION a.k.a Marionette (2020). Serves as many as you want, with heat-dissipating satisfaction. The picture or this recipe starts off with…

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A FERAL WORLD * USA 2020 Dir: David Liban. 104 mins A genre is comprised of a series of situations, characters and variations thereof.  One of the unfortunate worlds many seem to work in now is the post-apocalyptic world.  This is not new:  it is a metaphor for wiping the slate clean and imposing what the writers, film makers and actors want to say.  A FERAL WORLD (2020) is a small story of aging and family ties set against the destruction of known society. The picture was written by David Liban, who is a Professor of film studies at the…

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The pandemic has made many think of the treatment of the aged. Many are not in a good situation for various factors sometimes beyond their control. The Horror genre has perpetuated many images of the old in making them those that are acted upon or do and control activities and others. Complex in the case of drama and arc within a film or book, one not easily achieved. Neglected often is the work and process behind these characters and the actors of both sexes that inhabit their roles. More to these people that bring the atmosphere in brief moments than…

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