TROUBLES * France 2020 Dir: Robin Entreinger. 128 mins
We meet Marion after she has been living in the US for a couple of weeks. Sleep deprived due to a recurring nightmare, she accepts the help of a stranger.
This was another film that I struggled with and found it entirely forgettable.
Chloé Imbroglio does a great job playing Marion who is sucked into a cult. Sadly I felt some of the cast members were bored whilst filming as they showed minimal emotion. This could also be down to inexperience of some cast members.
I can’t imagine this had much of a budget due to the talent and appearance of the film. The church hall was bizarre for what takes place, with the cast sat in a semi-circle with a few candles. So much more could have been added, even if money was tight.
To end on a positive note, Robin Entreinger didn’t choose a script that was overshooting the budget or the experience. If only they had been a little more ambitious and creative with the resources they had to hand.
Review by Poppy Blundell
TROUBLES is out now on DVD and Prime Video from BayView Entertainment