OCCURRENCE AT MILLS CREEK is an independent feature film being shot in the greater Pittsburgh, PA region that features Betsy Lynn George, best known as Devon from the Billy Idol music video for Cradle of Love, and Lynda Marnoni, best known for her roles in the George Romero directed films SEASON OF THE WITCH and THE CRAZIES.
Written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Don Swanson, OCCURRENCE AT MILLS CREEK is a psychological horror film that examines the dynamics of strong female characters against a supernatural backdrop through failing reality.
The cast also includes Mia Zanotti from the 2015 season of NBC’s The Voice, Dana and Grace Langshaw from Furious 7, award-winning actress Mary Sack, Alexa Mechling and Joe Fishel from the award-winning film A Wish for Giants, and introduces Ava Psoras, Betsy’s daughter, as Clara.
Production is slated to continue this spring and summer with over 25% of the project already completed as a stand-alone short film that doubles as the first act of the feature.