FLESH OF MY FLESH ** U.S.A. 2016 Dir: Emir Skalonja 80 mins
Psychological horror following troubled teenager Sarah (Michelina Houlihan) who through her dreams and hallucinations must come to grips with her past. We are introduced to Sarah shortly after a creepy performance by Al Baker as a cult leader, raping a woman and helping give birth to a baby.
We get to see the life of Sarah from her overbearing mother to her dad trying to be hip for kids. Sarah feels there is something not quite right about her life and only through her dreams will she reveal her families dark secret. A few sound issues, editing and repetitive dialogue makes this a little hard to watch, but Michelina Houlihan is someone I would like to see do more work as she really got into her character. Al Baker also seemed to be relishing playing the cult leader. Shot in black and white this is a slow film to get into but thankfully the music helps it move along. FLESH OF MY FLESH is another film by Emir Skalonja (THE PLAGUE), which although not great, shows that he likes to experiment with different techniques and storytelling.
Review by Peter ‘Witchfinder‘ Hopkins
Keep an eye on this page as they will release FLESH OF MY FLESH later this year.