DISMEMBERING CHRISTMAS *** USA 2015 Dir: Austin Bosley 74 Mins

At a winter lake house seven high school seniors on vacation seek thrills and good times only to be spoiled by the madman out for revenge. Sure the plot is a simple staple of the slasher genre and the cliches are filling the running time of 74 minutes (most notably the character of Frank Fuller that turns up to explain everything) but thats what makes it fun to watch.
Full of Christmas cheer it makes you feel some what bad for these hopeless characters as they get stalked through the woods and in the house by someone who just wants to have Christmas with their own family again. Made on a moderate budget of $25,000 dollars (of which most was made via donations to their indiegogo campaign) and crafted from a script by the ‘Don’t Go To The Reunion’ team of Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield, this Christmas slasher has unique kills throughout. One kill that sticks in mind is the Christmas wreath used to decapitate one of our unlucky characters. Sound could have been fixed as it does tend to go quiet during scenes of dialogue but don’t let that stop you watching this when the Grandparents are over on Christmas day! Think of what could have been if this script had been used for a Friday The 13th sequel, Jason in the snow……we can dream.
Review by Peter ‘Witchfinder‘ Hopkins