Vision Films Inc. is proud to unleash the suspenseful new tale of alien abduction, XENOPHOBIA. The film, which is directed, written and produced by Steven J. Escobar, Joe Castro, and Thomas J. Churchill, follows victims of alien abduction who discover that their experiences were not isolated incidents. Starring Manu Intiraymi…
Browsing: Sci-Fi
PROSPECT *** USA / Canada 2018 Dir: Christopher Caldwell, Zeek Earl. 110 mins Co-writing / directing team Caldwell and Earl adapt their 2014 short film for this ambitious, thoughtful – if ponderous – sci-fi / western hybrid with an excellent central performance from Sophie Thatcher (young Regan in THE EXORCIST…
ROBOWOMAN ** USA 2019 Dir: Dustin Ferguson 70 mins The year is 2024, cybernetic surgery has grown to a be more affordable surgery option over the traditional methods. Though still very experimental those who are in need will opt for this cheaper option. Dawna Lee Heising stars as Vivica Stevens…
Prepare for take-off as FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, the action-packed classic 80s adventure, gets a brand new 4K scan and restoration and makes its arrival on Limited Edition Blu-ray thanks to Second Sight Films this August. Take a journey back in time to re-live this family sci-fi like never before,…
THE RUNNING MAN **** USA 1987 Dir: Paul Michael Glaser. 100 mins Adapted from the ROLLERBALL-influenced novella by Stephen King (as Richard Bachman), this unfolds in the future Hell of 2017. Art is mass-censored, the world economy has collapsed, food riots are commonplace and the most popular TV series is…