Browsing: Psychological Horror

Rising star Kaiti Wallen (Beneath Us All) & Kayden Bryce (Just Another Dream) join Jerry Hayes (Betrayed), Grover McCants (Detroiters), Leslie Mechigian (Christmas Coupon) and Emilia Linnea (Tale of Tails) in the cast of Harley Wallen’s Psychological Horror feature ”Fathers”. Award winning filmmaker Harley Wallen (Ash And Bone) who is…

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BayView Entertainment have released the psychological horror / drama The Orchard, which is available to rent/buy on Amazon Prime Video in the UK and USA. Also available on other streaming platforms worldwide. The Orchard is also out now on Blu-ray (Region Free) in the USA. The Orchard has won numerous film festival awards, including Best First-Time Filmmaker…

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