Title 015 on the 101 Films Black Label is a definitive release for London-set buddy-cop monster thriller SPLIT SECOND (1992), starring the late, great Rutger Hauer. 101 Films presents SPLIT SECOND (1992), a dark, dystopian thriller starring Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner) as a veteran detective on the trail of a…
Browsing: Horror
Dazzler Media is to present the release of HUNTER’S MOON this August. Starring Thomas Jane (The Punisher, The Mist, Deep Blue Sea), Sean Patrick Flanery (Dexter, The Boondock Saints) and Katrina Bowden (30 Rock, The Bold and the Beautiful), HUNTER’S MOON is a creepy tale of terror from rising writer/director…
Readers who love poignant horror with LGBT characters will not want to miss Starving Ghosts In Every Thread by Eric LaRocca. Fresh from his MFA program at Emerson College, author Eric LaRocca has independently released his debut novella, Starving Ghosts In Every Thread. Although this is Mr. LaRocca’s first full…
EXIT *** UK 2020 Dir: Michael Fausti. 80 mins After a run of disturbing, distinctive short films (DEAD CELEBRITIES, Z.A.F, THE PYRAMID), Michael Fausti makes his feature directorial debut with this compelling Brexit-era thriller written by Mathew Bayliss and shot in the 4:3 Academy ratio. Swaggering, sexist / xenophobic landlord…
THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY, the horror-comedy brainchild of Kristin West and Dana Olita, has been a brave undertaking in these hazardous times. “We knew this was a huge endeavor going in,” said West, who co-directed with Armin Nasseri. “We were forced to use the technology available, which meant doing some…