Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios company, has acquired the North American distribution rights to the horror adventure film SHORTCUT. Directed by Alessio Liguori and written by Daniele Cosci, SHORTCUT stars Jack Kane, Zak Sutcliffe, Andrei Claude, Sophie Jane Oliver, Terence Anderson. The film is produced by Simona Ferri, Marco…
Browsing: Horror
October can only mean one thing… Halloween will soon be upon us! Harvest days turn into crisp fall evenings where terror is lurking in the shadows… Ready to pounce at any given moment! And one alluring vixen is ready to do just that! The Queen of Screams herself, Malvolia (Creator/Actress…
DO NOT REPLY is out now in Theaters & On Demand (iTunes here). Written & Directed by: Daniel Woltosz (The Big Time Show), Walt Woltosz. Starring: Amanda Arcuri (Party of Five), Jackson Rathbone (Twilight Saga), Kerri Medders (Alexa & Katie), Elise Luthman (Family Vanished), Ashlee Füss (2 Broke Girls), Ivon…
Hereditary meets Unfriended in the truly terrifying new horror sensation HOST (a Shudder Original). HOST is released in UK and Irish cinemas and on digital platforms on 4th December (courtesy of Vertigo Releasing) but for those who can’t wait, the film will be previewing at the BFI Southbank and Prince…
Severin Films have released the Indonesian cannibal movie PRIMITIVES on DVD, Blu-ray and a Blu-ray with a Exclusive slipcover. Four years before they rocked Asia with SATAN’S SLAVE, director Sisworo Gautama Putra, screenwriter Imam Tantowi and producer Gope T. Samtani made their collaborative debut with Indonesia’s first – and still…