Talking about the film, Director Daniel Turres said; “Here For Blood was a labour of love brought to life by the hard work and (no pun intended) blood, sweat, and tears of many talented individuals. We found a way to make a completely independent feature film in a fledgling film community without the assistance of any bursaries or film grants. Here For Blood is the culmination of years of hard work; knocking on doors, pounding the pavement, finding creative solutions and carving our own unique path to production and beyond. We hope that by taking on such an ambitious project that we can help open new doors in the Canadian film community, create opportunities, and change the perception of what is possible on an independent level.”
Here For Blood will have its English Premiere at Pigeon Shrine FrightFest on Friday 25th August 2023
Pageman Productions
Founded by the father and son team of Christian and Daniel Turres, Pageman Productions aims to develop and produce exciting new projects and content from independent, up-and-coming Canadian talent. In our family, filmmaking is more than a business; it is our passion.
About Pigeon Shrine FrightFest
Dubbed “the Woodstock of Gore” by director Guillermo Del Toro, FrightFest, set up in 2000, has grown in size and stature since its cult roots at the Prince Charles Cinema and today is internationally renowned for discovering exciting and original horror fantasy genre films and for supporting the talent behind them, helping to launch the careers of such directors as Simon Rumley, Christopher Smith, Eli Roth, Neil Marshall and Simon Hunter.
Over the years the festival directors, Greg Day, Alan Jones, Paul McEvoy and Ian Rattray, have developed FrightFest into a brand leader for horror film, expanding its footprint in the UK by hosting special events throughout the year and joining forces with the Glasgow Film Festival, where they run an established three-day event. They have teamed up with FAB Press to publish a series of ‘The FrightFest Guide To…’ books and have an exclusive partnership with Signature Entertainment to release films under the festival’s thriving label ‘FrightFest Presents’. You can catch the documentary FRIGHTFEST: BENEATH THE DARK HEART OF CINEMA on Amazon.